


1) the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotion and character; the soul.
2) those qualities regarded as forming the definitive or typical elements in the character of a person, nation or group or in the thought and attitudes of a particular period.
3) strong distilled liquor such as brandy, whiskey, gin or rum.


1) convey rapidly and secretly.


Middle English; from Anglo-Norman French, from Latin spiritus ‘breath, spirit,‘ from spirare ‘breathe.’



1) the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to something creative.
2) the drawing in of breath; inhalation.


Middle English (in the sense of ‘divine guidance’): via Old French from late Latin inspiratio, from the verb inspriare.

(definitions from Merriam Webster Dictionary)

I breathe in inspiration from many sources, not only a variety of instructors but also creative spark of the many souls that have touched my life.

The strongest inspiration in my teaching is my main yoga teachers: David Lurey and Mirjam Wagner. He teaches soulful, energetic vinyasa yoga globally, always with attention to the environment and subtle energies. In addition to teaching me attention to alignment, effective cue-ing, and how to teach any level of student, he also showed me that there is a way to live in balance. He draws from all traditions that inspire, and I do the same. She embodies the essence of femininity and subtle energy. She is a wholistic therapist and Yin teacher, calling on the wisdom of eastern medicine and truth that lies beneath the surface. Combined David and Mirjam embody Yin & Yang and offer a balanced approach to all things on and off of the mat. 

I am always looking to expand my knowledge, and have the intention to learn from all angles. Some teachers that have particularly inspired me in the past several years: Elena Brower, Meg Abene Newlin, Keith Borden, Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau, Sianna Sherman, Ashley Turner, Ronald Alexander, Theo Kyriakos, Rod Stryker, Sarah Higgins, Alex Pfeiffer, Tiffany Huard, Lisa O’ConnorNoah Maze, Mark Whitwell, Briohny Smyth and Dice Iida Klein...... And all the other teachers that I have met over the years.

Most importantly, I learn from every person I meet. Every time I walk into a room to teach one or fifty people, I learn something. So if we have crossed paths, any path. I thank you for the inspiration you have given me.

Creatives that I love:

Flame and Stone Studio. Handmade beautiful silver and stone.

SV Heart Photography. Sharon Vanorny is credited for 98% of the photos on this site.

Cricket Design Works. Attention to detail. Creative thought.

Zhen Nymph on Etsy. Handmade yoga clothes in the USA.

Swing Dash Bags. Handmade bags in the USA.

Healers that heal:

Lacouir Yancey at Y Massage. East/West blend of attentive massage.

Katie Fritz at Red Sage Acupuncture. Sweet attention, clear results.

Susan Aberle Gullion. Energetic spinal alignment with heart and soul.


Driftless Organics CSA. Gives me my seasonal inspiration.

Dishing up the Dirt. Where I find any recipe I didn't come up with myself.