Serve the Spirit

A server at heart, in the most literal sense. 15 years in the service industry, serving people food and beverages. But also serving them an experience, a laugh, positivity, and on some occasions negativity. My soul relates to working hard, to struggle, to a little bit of darkness. But I know that I radiate light. I want to teach people who feel the shadow heavily, to find balance in it, to embrace it, but to also move a little closer to the light. 

I have stepped onto a path of creating simple, realistic changes in my own life, that have served my spirit in confounding manners. The most explorative change was a dedicated yoga practice. And dedication can start small. One day a week, breathing, moving and connecting with my body. That is how we change. With realism. But from that simple practice, everything changed. 

I drink whiskey and I covet strong coffee. I like salty snacks, and I love staying up late, preferably listening to loud bass-filled beats. But I also cook at home, detox seasonally, and drink tea before bed.

We can find balance, and we can be who we are. 

I have found that living seasonally serves my spirit best. I listen, I learn, I reflect, and I repeat the next time. Always with a shift.

As a type, the genius waitress is sweet and sassy, funny and smart; young, underestimated, fantastic, weary, cheery (not happy, cheerful: there’s a difference and she understands it), a tad bohemian, often borderline alcoholic, frequently pretty (though her hair reeks of kitchen and bar); as independent as a cave bear (though ever hopeful of “true love”) and above all GENUINE.
— Tom Robbins, Playboy 1991

Serve The Spirit

  • Take note of how you feel at different times of day and times of the year. Listen to your rhythms and learn to work with them rather than against them.
  • Do something physically active every day.
  • Develop a relationship with your body and your breath. Start the day with deep breaths.
  • Make sure you are having fun and laughing out loud.
  • Eat nourishing food that you love. Make meals at home.
  • Be okay with some vices. Eliminate habits that cause stress and anxiety. 
  • Read fiction books.
  • Drink tea before bed. Not only is it a peaceful ritual setting you up for rest, but it also sends you to bed hydrated. 
  • Sleep as much as you need.