My Home Practice. Maybe it will work for you, maybe not.
This is what my home practice looks like, or at least the beginning of it:
10 (ish) Sun Salutations.
Yep, that's it.
Begin with 1 full round of slow salutations, stepping left leg back, pausing, moving to the floor and into cobra for a couple of breaths. Taking a little extra time in down dog and uttanasana, and moving to the other side (right leg steps back).
Move into 3 Surya Namaskar A, with jumps if you jump, steps if you step. One half-breath, one movement.
Move into several Surya Namaskar B. Always moving to the front of the mat for chair pose, and stepping from down dog into the standing pose. Once in the standing pose, breathe a full breath, and another inhale, exhale to chaturanga...repeat on the other side.
I keep it simple and do the same standing poses each time:
Warrior 1
Warrior 2
Extended Side-Angle (with an inhale in peaceful warrior)
Extended Triangle
Revolved high lunge
Warrior 3 to Standing Split
Here's the deal. I am slow mover. My constitution wants to take a long time to warm up in the morning (or anytime of day), and when I tell myself I am going to practice, but I decide I want to do something different... I don't. Meaning, I don't do anything. I just sit there. I get distracted. I look at books, and sketch in my notebook. But I don't practice. Sure, I might do a stretch here or there.. and if I'm feeling more energetic a handstand or two. But it doesn't add up to an energetic yoga practice, one that resets me, one that inspires me to do more.
That's exactly it. When I start with the above, I can then sit down and do a full practice of seated poses, or I can head into some of the 'building block' poses I need to work on. Or move into hips or backbends.
The moral is, moving quickly with my breath, helps me center, it helps me wake-up and it helps me land on my mat. That doesn't mean it is what works for you, but if you are someone who has a slower constitution, who has a lot of energy once you are moving, but not before, then this simple practice is something to try. It takes about 20 minutes. And even if that is all I do, I always end with 5 minutes of meditation, and I will be honest, I don't always end it with savasana.